Howdy neighbors! Yours truly was just browsing the web looking for some sites and WHAM!!! I found some!
This is a great website for getting ideas to incorporate technology into your classroom. It has interactive quizzes, online speeches and other items of interest.
This website has all kinds of multimedia and ideas for incorporating it into a class setting or homework of some sort.
This website was my favorite, sporting all kinds of pictures, videos, and lesson plans to discuss important people and events from our nation's past.
ReplyDeleteThat's cool about your name. I'm not sure W. G. would have worked quite as well for me.
I liked that freetech4teachers site. Thanks for sharing.
Good websites...very useful or interesting facts!
ReplyDeleteSweet! Those look like great choices!
ReplyDeleteI am all about visuals, so the pictures and videos will be awesome. Thanks!