Thursday, October 21, 2010


So I downloaded the great Bill Walsh giving pointers on the timing of the west coast offense, which I know doesn't exactly pertain to history or any form of social studies, but I find it really interesting!  I didn't have any problems at all doing it.  Since this is found on youtube, and NFL Films hasn't done anything about it yet, I suppose it would be of free use to anyone.  Ripping a DVD, however, would be a different story.  I'd have to be very careful to not use too much of it and to make sure that I'm simply illustrating my own point, rather than any point or idea made by the creator of the DVD.

P.S. If you care, all the other six clips are on youtube!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I have always known to be careful when writing papers or making presentations and using content from someone other than myself.  I have always been taught that if there's even a shadow of a doubt that you may need to cite a source, to do so.  I had no idea, however, that there was something called "Creative Commons."  On their official website, they've got many useful items worth looking into.  They have case studies, documentation, and other data and information that can be used to prove a point or share an idea.  The website is definitely worth at least taking a look at, if not serious school use.  Thank you for the lesson about copyrights and the "Creative Commons!"

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, my video!

My video will be about... well, weaknesses in the articles of confederation!  This covers Standard 5, Objective 4b of Utah's Core Curriculum.  My video will include still images, one of which will probably be the constitution towards the end as a teaser for the next lesson.  My recorded video will be something like a politician coming home to his wife and telling her about the articles of confederation and her telling him what's wrong with that government.  Hopefully my wife will oblige!  My weaknesses will include:

1)Only a unicameral legislature.

2)No power to tax.

3)Changing or amending articles needed a unanimous decision.  New articles needed 9/13 states to approve.

4)No power to regulate commerce.

These 4 weaknesses will be covered as well as any others you can let me know of!  Thank you!