Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, my video!

My video will be about... well, weaknesses in the articles of confederation!  This covers Standard 5, Objective 4b of Utah's Core Curriculum.  My video will include still images, one of which will probably be the constitution towards the end as a teaser for the next lesson.  My recorded video will be something like a politician coming home to his wife and telling her about the articles of confederation and her telling him what's wrong with that government.  Hopefully my wife will oblige!  My weaknesses will include:

1)Only a unicameral legislature.

2)No power to tax.

3)Changing or amending articles needed a unanimous decision.  New articles needed 9/13 states to approve.

4)No power to regulate commerce.

These 4 weaknesses will be covered as well as any others you can let me know of!  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. sounds great! a very interesting idea of using movies in history!
