Thursday, November 11, 2010

Internet Safety

First of all, I think knowledge is key to creating an internet-safe environment.  The students and their parents must know what sleazy material and awful situations the internet is capable of getting the casual browser into and what expectations should be when using the internet.
People should treat the internet like the real world.  They shouldn't talk to strangers, should be very wary of any pop-up advertisements or offers, and shouldn't go online simply for something to do, but rather have a purpose.  If you wouldn't talk to strangers in the real world, why would you online?  If you wouldn't give out private information about yourself verbally, why would you online?  If you wouldn't look into potential scams in the real world, then why on earth would you online?  These questions are common knowledge in real-life situations, but for whatever reasons, they aren't when surfing the web.  If the internet is treated like the real-world, I think it would go a long way toward better internet safety. 
As well, I find that the best way of using the internet is when you have a purpose.  If there's a clear intent and goal, then chances are you won't find yourself searching for things you shouldn't be.  You achieve your goal and your use of the internet is done.  Surfing the web just for the heck of it can be fun, but it can also lead to problems.  The smart thing is to use it and not abuse it.
So, use the internet wisely!  Teaching people how to use it wisely will make this work best.

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