Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Final Project

After debating what to do with my final project, I decided to do a timeline since it helps me to understand how and why many things happened in history.  The timeline, as you can see, outlines important events in the Holocaust and illustrates just how the Jewish people lost their rights and freedoms under Nazi Germany.  In an attempt to get students to relate better to the Holocaust, I've included events from Bosnia, Rwanda, and Sudan that are more recent and applicable to students today.  To even further apply this gruesome event to students' lives, I would include a mini-lecture on bullying and ridiculing other students, behaviors that may seem harmless but also may bring about similar circumstances as seen on the timeline.  To quote George Santayana: "If we do not know our past, we're condemned to repeat it."  I would conclude by giving a mini-lecture on tolerance and respect for differences in opinion rather than hate and bitterness.  I firmly believe this is one of the most important lessons we can learn from history.

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